What Are 30-Day No Sugar Challenges? All You Need To Know

Nowadays, weight loss diets are almost non-existent; they were replaced by “healthy eating”. Skipping meals, a very strict diet and counting calories, are practices that are left behind. From now on, the trend is healthy recipes, listen to the body, eat at its own pace and above all, modify eating habits for a better quality of life. That is, to be aware of what suits us. What is currently known as; “hygiene of life”. Sugar, the new poison. We all know that excessive sugar consumption can cause damage to our health: obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure or increased triglycerides.

Did you know that in the last 50 years we have tripled sugar consumption? The World Health Organization recommends consuming no more than 25g a day; that is, a heaping tablespoon. Do you think you consume that amount or do you exceed it? What is the benefit of reducing sugar consumption? Blood sugar. As mentioned above, excessive sugar consumption can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Sugary foods and beverages, pastry products, soda, candy, and energy drinks contain fast-absorbing sugars, such as corn syrup, that are high in fructose. Reducing sugar is a good way to lower blood sugar and insulin levels, even if we do it for a short time. But beware… if we eliminate the sugar for 30 days, and we consume again afterwards, the benefits are lost. That is why it is advisable to gradually reduce the consumption of sugar, for a more realistic and durable management over time. Weight loss. Sugary foods and beverages are also high in calories and low in important nutrients, such as proteins and fibers. This is directly linked to overweight. It also increases abdominal fat. That’s why reducing your sugar intake will lead to safe weight loss, especially if it’s accompanied by a healthy diet rich in protein and fiber. Oral health.

Challenge, 30 days without sugar.
Day 1.
Write on a sheet the reason why you want to stop consuming sugar and stick it on your refrigerator door. It’s a good way to focus daily on your goal and never lose sight of it.
Day 2.
Read the labels of the products you buy. We don’t think that because they don’t name the word “sugar,” it means they don’t contain it. Sugar can be “disguised” in many ways. If the word sugar is on the package, make sure it is always less than 5g.
Day 3.
Check all the products you have in the cupboard, as well as those in your refrigerator and check the amount of sugar they contain. Take note of those you already know you will not buy again.
Day 4.
Make your meals normal and take note of what you eat. How many of these foods contain sugar? Those are the ones we’ll have to eliminate, now that the real challenge begins.
Day 5.
By now we are clear which foods we can include and which we should exclude in our sugar-free challenge. We suggest that, from this day, you no longer have these foods in your home. Then make a purchase of natural products. No packaged foods, except nuts, natural unsweetened yogurt or vegetable drinks.
Day 6 to 29.
Once you’ve gathered healthy foods, it’s time to start cooking. Prepare your meals in large quantities that you can divide into portions and keep frozen, so you never have to resort to “anything”, for not having anything to eat. Cook without additives, but if you find it very difficult to quit suddenly, try gradually reducing the amount you consume. Allow this license, as over-demand can be counterproductive. To accompany your meals, drink only water.
Day 30.
If you made it this far, you get a well-deserved round of applause, because taking this challenge forward is not easy. At first, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and even irritable. Sugar addiction generates these things, too. But it probably happened during the first few days, until your body got used to these drastic changes. And while you fulfilled a goal, we must not believe that this is the end of it. It is important to be mindful to almost completely eradicate sugar from our diet.
Among the many benefits, we have.
Weight loss.
Improvement of skin quality.
More energy.
Less of a cold.
A breath more fresh.
Better quality of sleep.
Improved concentration and memory.
The benefits are clear and noticeable.
You’ll notice too! This guide will help you to start changing your way of eating, and also, for better hygiene of life.